Monday 14 August 2017

A Society Polluted With Sins

a society polluted with sins

There is no doubt that at the present time societies suffer from various types of spiritual deviations and psychological corruption, and have failed to develop their manners at the same pace that they were able to secure material luxuries for themselves.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

What Do We Achieve From Arguments

what do we achieve from arguments

One of the evil traits which severely hurts the feelings of others and destroys the ties of love between people is disputing with them that what do we achieve from arguments. Arguing individuals should realize that excessive self-love is one of the main factors which creates the evil trait; it grows only when irrigated by the flow of this treacherous instinct.What do we achieve from arguments.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Why Should We Not Forgive?

why should we not forgive
Man undoubtedly cannot avoid society and live in seclusion. He is a dependent creature whose needs know no limits.Why should we not forgive. The fact that man is socially dependent conforms to his nature and needs, enabling him to live in the shadows of cooperation. Social live has various requirements that limit man to certain rules and duties on which relies success and forgive in life.

Friday 19 May 2017


it's all matter of attitude
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the great philosopher and former president of India, made his first visit to the United States of America when John F. Kennedy was the president. The weather was dark and stormy in Washington; and when Dr. Radhakrishnan alighted from the plane, it begins to rain cats and dogs, as the expression goes.
  The young American President greeted his Indian counterpart with a warm handshake and a smile. “I’m so sorry we have such bad weather during your visit, “ he remarked courteously.

   The philosopher – statement smiled. “We can’t change bad things, Mr .president,” he observed. ”but we can change our attitude towards them.”

Tuesday 16 May 2017


positive thinking vs negative thinking
                                                                                                                         -HENERY WARD BEECHER

Arstotle, perhaps the greatest philosopher of all time, studied the human condition more extensively than any other man in history. He concluded that the ultimate goal of human life endeavor was happiness. He said that every act a person takes is aimed at achieving a greater state of happiness, however the individual defines it.
    You want to be a good job. Why? To earn more money. Why? To be able to provide for your family and enjoy a good lifestyle. Why? To achieve personal and financial security. Why? So you can be happy.

Saturday 13 May 2017


purpose of life
Most people are completely unaware of the objective of their existence. We rarely take time to ponder basic issues such as: What is purpose of my life? What makes me happy? And how would I like to be remembered after I die?
     Most people wake up every day, follow their routines mechanically and life just passes them by. I call such people “walking calendar” because they just have passing date in their life – they have neither aim nor desires to fulfill. They have stopped aspiring and accept their as it is. They are not necessarily dissatisfied, because dissatisfaction only come if they do not achieve their ambitions. But what if you don’t have any ambitions? Leading a passive life, such people forget their dreams, their joys and their aspiration. Gradually, they abandon the driver’s seat and life goes on in autopilot.

Wednesday 3 May 2017


the sound of om
 The fact that the sound “Om” shares this shape may not come as a surprise to the millions of people around the world who hold this sound sacred. The ancient Hindus believed that “Om” was the first vibration of divine consciousness during creation.

Wednesday 1 February 2017


increase concentration power

        You are probably aware that you have another aspect of yourself – your deeper, subconscious mind. It is likely that you have encountered it’s nature during dreams or when you have listened to your ‘gut instinct’. You may not have realized the true potential of this part of yourself – being able to tap into your subconscious mind can introduce you to a version of yourself with more wisdom than you could imagine!

1. Free writing

This is a technique that allows you to tap into your subconscious thoughts and emotions. For the most effectiveness, try writing in the morning as soon as you wake up. Then you are more likely to be able to tap into the remnants of your dream experiences. Write as quickly as you can, without pausing to consciously think of what you want to write. Pay no attention to grammar, spelling or any of the usual things your consciousness tells you to mind when you are writing. The important thing is only to get down on paper what is in your head. The results may surprise you. Try it for a week – many people have found that this technique becomes an indispensable tool for keeping grounded and being able to access the deeper part of themselves.

2. Learn to meditate

Of all the methods of accessing the power of your subconscious mind, meditation is the most direct and most immediately effective. Learning to meditate is not difficult and studies have shown as little as 20 minutes a day can be very beneficial to your mental and physical health.
Meditation changes and deepens your brain patterns from the normal disorganized ‘beta’ pattern to alpha waves and through to delta and theta in deep meditation. In these states of consciousness your conscious mind is in much more direct contact with your subconscious. You will find that your thinking becomes much more creative and much less limited by the normal constraints of your logical mind. As you continue with your meditation practice you will soon be able to access the power of your subconscious whenever you please.

3. Seek your own counsel

There are many variations of this exercise but they all revolve around a central idea which is holding an imagined conversation between your conscious and subconscious self. You will find that this exercise will become more effective once you are more familiar and proficient with your favorite meditation techniques. Before you go to sleep at night, imagine you are sitting at a counsel table. You can invite as many or as few people to sit at the table with you as you like. You may just like to start with inviting just one other person – your ‘wise being’ or counselor. It is important to visualize your wise being with as much detail as possible. You may choose to ‘invite’ a departed grandparent, a famous figure, a person you admire or just a being of your own imagining. Realise that this person is wise beyond your imagining and holds the answer to all your questions. Sit and be at peace with your wise counselor and when you are ready ask them to answer a question that is troubling you. Sometimes the answer to the question may be completely unexpected and might greatly surprise you. Listen very carefully when this occurs as your subconscious is trying to tell you something important.
If you persist with this exercise regularly you will soon find that your wise counselor becomes more and more vivid in your mind’s eye and it will become easier and easier to converse with him or her. When this happens you have gained a pathway to your subconscious and truly unlocked the wisdom inside yourself.

4. Grow your creativity

The subconscious mind often prefers to speak through the non-literal and artistic language; whilst our conscious mind finds the more logical and concrete language more to it’s liking. Enable your subconscious to communicate with you by giving it the language to do so – paint, write, play music, draw… It doesn’t matter which artistic language you choose and you don’t need to be a natural talent. As long as you are express