Wednesday, 12 July 2017

What Do We Achieve From Arguments

what do we achieve from arguments

One of the evil traits which severely hurts the feelings of others and destroys the ties of love between people is disputing with them that what do we achieve from arguments. Arguing individuals should realize that excessive self-love is one of the main factors which creates the evil trait; it grows only when irrigated by the flow of this treacherous instinct.What do we achieve from arguments.

 A disputations person, in order to quench the thirst of his conceit, opposes every opinion that may be brought up in any gathering, not to present a righteous idea or eradicate a mistaken concept, but to destroy his opponent's personality by false accusations or arguments. He attempts to create a sense of false excellence for himself by doing so. Such a person might conceal his aims under exclamatory or wondering vocabulary. In this manner, the disputatious looses the spirit of a just judge, and dares to commit all kinds of oppression and encroachments upon other's rights.
  Furthermore, the opponent's reaction, in this case should not be disregarded for when an individual's pride is violated; it is inevitable that he reacts to the cause. Therefore, he may exploit the appropriate opportunity to revenge, using all his power to do so. Thus, if this trait is widespread in any given nation, it can result in disunity in both the way of thinking and the manner of conduct.


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