Wednesday, 12 July 2017

What Do We Achieve From Arguments

what do we achieve from arguments

One of the evil traits which severely hurts the feelings of others and destroys the ties of love between people is disputing with them that what do we achieve from arguments. Arguing individuals should realize that excessive self-love is one of the main factors which creates the evil trait; it grows only when irrigated by the flow of this treacherous instinct.What do we achieve from arguments.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Why Should We Not Forgive?

why should we not forgive
Man undoubtedly cannot avoid society and live in seclusion. He is a dependent creature whose needs know no limits.Why should we not forgive. The fact that man is socially dependent conforms to his nature and needs, enabling him to live in the shadows of cooperation. Social live has various requirements that limit man to certain rules and duties on which relies success and forgive in life.